Travel, Adventure, and Everything Along the Way!


Taking Steps – Photo of the Day Mar 6, 2015

Sunset Arches small

Whenever I’m in a new place I like to find a nice spot to watch the sun set. It’s nice to have the chance to sit somewhere for a while and reflect on the day while watching the sky change colors. In Harrisburg, Pennsylvania I sat on these steps for a good hour or more just thinking and watching birds play along the water. It was incredibly calming and a good way to reset my mind after a day of working and stress. 

Freeze – Photo of the Day Dec 27, 2014

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Ringing Rocks State Park in Pennsylvania provided some unexpected treasures during a holiday visit last year. After checking out the field of rocks and hitting a few of them with a hammer (look it up) we headed down a short trail to the waterfalls. Being December, it was cold enough for it to have frozen, and the fresh light coat of snow on everything made the scene even more perfect, if very dangerous to climb on. The ice formations were so intricate and fun to explore. I think I managed to only almost fall once!